All EPA information and documents can be found on the EPA website.
The EPA's documents and information are accessible via their website:
Here is a list of useful EPA pages for stack testing:
US EPA Test Methods
Promulgated Test Methods: These methods have been proposed or promulgated in the Federal Register and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Proposed Test Methods: Proposed test methods have been published in the Federal Register as proposed rules, but have not yet been promulgated. Proposed Federal Register Methods maybe new methods or revisions to existing FR Methods. When the method is promulgated, it becomes the official Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Method.
Approved Alternative Methods: These methods may be used by sources for determining compliance with the requirements of these Parts per their specified applicability provisions without further EPA approval. The Administrator, or designee has approved these methods for the specified applications; this approval has been documented through an official EPA letter. These methods include quality control and quality assurance procedures that must be met. The EPA staff may not necessarily be the technical experts on these methods.
Conditional Test Methods: This category includes methods that were categorized as conditional test methods before our method categories were revised. Because some of these methods have been cited in state rules and permits under their Conditional Test Method (CTM) designation, we have created a category for them and called it “Historic Conditional Methods”. This category is closed and no new methods will be added to it.
Other Test Methods: This category includes test methods which have not yet been subject to the Federal rulemaking process. Each of these methods, as well as the available technical documentation supporting them, have been reviewed by the Emission Measurement Center staff and have been found to be potentially useful to the emission measurement community.
Promulgated and Proposed Performance Specifications: Performance specifications are used for evaluating the acceptability of the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) at the time of or soon after installation and whenever specified in the regulations.
Quality Assurance Procedures: Quality assurance procedures in Appendix F to 40 CFR 60 are used to evaluate the effectiveness of quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures and the quality of data produced by any Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) that is used for determining compliance with the emission standards on a continuous basis as specified in the applicable regulation.
Compliance Assurance Monitoring: The Compliance Assurance Monitoring, or CAM, rule is designed to satisfy the requirements for monitoring and compliance certification in the Part 70 operating permits program and Title VII of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. The CAM rule includes a new Part 64 and associated revisions to the Part 70 (permits program) monitoring and compliance certification requirements. The rule would establish criteria that define the monitoring, reporting, and record keeping that should be conducted by a source to provide a reasonable assurance of compliance with emission limitations and standards. These criteria address defining the applicable monitoring approach, obligation to complete corrective actions as indicated by the monitoring results, and how such data are used in the annual compliance certification.
Continuous Emission Monitoring: A continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) is the total equipment necessary for the determination of a gas or particulate matter concentration or emission rate using pollutant analyzer measurements and a conversion equation, graph, or computer program to produce results in units of the applicable emission limitation or standard.
Metals and Mercury Emissions Monitoring
EPA Technical Support
Technical Support for Quality Assurance
EPA Instructional Material
Technical Information Documents
Workshop and Meeting Materials
EPA Volume III PDF Documents
Users are cautioned that neither of these documents have been updated since they were published and that many of the test methods have been revised and program responsibilities changed. Users are also advised that while these documents present procedures and information that are reflective of good practice, the guidance provided in these documents has no legal standing unless the CFR specifically requires the tester to follow Volume III.